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ITW Francesco Biviano - Cofounder COO ARCTON

You Can Finally Invest in Legal & Liquid Startups' Shares!

December 19, 2023

ITW Francesco Biviano - Cofounder COO ARCTON

You Can Finally Invest in Legal & Liquid Startups' Shares!

If I have to sum-up what Arcton is and does, I would say:

« Based in Zurich, Arcton is democratizing Equity-based Crowdfunding of Sexy Startups with a secret sauce which is the legal tokenization of startups' shares that make them finally liquid ie tradeable in DeFi Stock Exchanges.»

In the fast-evolving landscape of crowdfunding, Arcton stands out as a pioneer, transforming the way startups raise capital through its equity-based platform. Recently, I had the privilege of engaging in a riveting conversation with Francesco Biviano, the Co-founder and COO of Arcton. Our discussion touched upon a spectrum of topics, revealing the intricacies of Arcton's approach to equity crowdfunding, tokenization of shares, and the company's strategic partnership with Camelot Exchange.

Unveiling the Minds Behind Arcton: A Collaborative Journey

Our conversation commenced with an exploration of the co-founding story. I wanted to understand the WHY of these two brilliant minds to commiting in such a venture.

Dr. Merens Derungs - Co-founder & CEO

Former Capital Market Lawyer at Backer McKenzie and has done a PhD (UZH) on Digital Shares and DLT Law.

Francesco Biviano - Co-founder & COO

Former Data Analyst at eBay and has done a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Blockchain at University of Geneva. Francesco holds a Master's degree in Finance from HEC Lausanne (Switzerland) and a Bachelor in Economics of Financial markets from Università degli Studi di Trieste (Italy)

The Arcton Ecosystem: Criteria and Diversity in Startups

Arcton's criteria for onboarding startups were a focal point, addressing questions about the types of startups considered, industry focus, and geographic considerations.

Ready for IPO: Due Diligence and Valuation

We delved into the readiness of startups on the Arcton platform for Initial Public Offering (IPO) and explored the meticulous due diligence process. Francesco explained the critical factors influencing a "Go" or "No-Go" decision and demystified the process of establishing pre-money valuations for startups.

Tokenization of Shares: Blockchain's Game-Changing Role

A key highlight of our conversation was the tokenization of shares. Francesco clarified the nuances of this process, differentiating it from traditional shares and outlining the contents of the smart contract.

Web3 Dynamics: The Power of the Blockchain Crowd

Our discussion ventured into the dynamic realm of web3 and its impact on crowdfunding. Francesco shared insights into why the web3 crowd is perceived as more dynamic and powerful, and how Arcton harnesses the potential of blockchain and tokenization to enhance crowdfunding dynamics.

Venturing into VC Partnerships

The interview explored the challenges of onboarding startups when traditional boards hesitate due to a lack of understanding. Francesco envisioned potential partnerships with blockchain/crypto-educated VCs, presenting an innovative idea of collaboration to bridge knowledge gaps.

If there is a VC here, I invite you to read this article on the blog of Open.VC 👉 Venture Capitalists: Open the gates and let the crowds in (

Camelot Exchange Partnership: Unlocking the Secondary Market

The significance of the partnership with Camelot Exchange emerged as a critical topic. Francesco detailed how Arcton's startups are listed on Camelot and how investors can buy and sell tokenized shares.

In closing, the interview with Francesco Biviano was a journey into the heart of Arcton's revolutionary approach to crowdfunding. It illuminated not only the mechanics of their platform but also the passion and vision propelling Arcton towards reshaping the future of finance. As the crowdfunding landscape continues to evolve, Arcton stands at the forefront, spearheading innovation that transcends traditional boundaries. 
