An Abomination Called Marketing
Vade Retro Satanas!
"Scientists who use marketing are traitors to the Cause!" - a CNRS researcher
An objection often raised against scientists who use the tools of marketing, communication and branding (and more particularly, personal branding) to promote their research:
"It is very sad to see that even basic science, which is supposed to be at the heart of knowledge and rationality, is being taken over by marketing. Good science is being eclipsed by mediocre science with good packaging."
My response
Personal branding enables any scientist who has something interesting to say to assert themselves and exist in the eyes of Society.
Personal branding allows brilliant scientists working at third-rate universities to promote their work. Personal branding also allows the great Pharaohs of ivy league universities to shine (even more).
So personal branding is not a magic potion that turns a toad into Prince Charming; it simply gives tools to anyone who has something valuable to say and to find the right audience.
Academic Researchers
Life is too short to research something that nobody is interested in.
Life is too short to build something that nobody wants.
Regarding marketing packaging (literally and figuratively):
If you buy a product because of its flashy packaging but discover a crappy product, you'll buy it once, but not twice.
Marketing and branding are just a set of art, science and tools. They are not responsible for what humans do with them. They are not responsible for what you do with them.
With Einstein's discovery E = mc², I am used to saying that you can make a nuclear bomb and kill people ... or you can make a medical device* to kill cancer cells and save lives.
*(X-Ray Radiotherapy, Particle Therapy, Brachytherapy)

Scientists: Work On Your Personal Branding!
Personal Branding - the art of promoting yourself like a branded product - raises your profile beyond your scientific micro-community:
- You will have more funding 💰💰💰
- You will attract the best students and postdocs 👨🔬🔬
- You will have more better publications 📰📰📰
To you the glory and recognition you deserve!
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E² - Epistémê Entrepreneur