ITW Dr Emmanuelle Soulard - Storytelling and Book Marketing Expert
How to Write a Catchy Book?
Emmanuelle Soulard holds a PhD in Science and has conducted research at the interface of molecular biology and biophysics (at The Institute of Cancer Research - London) applied to cancer gene therapy (temperature-controlled MRI induction of transgene). She also holds an MBA in business intelligence.
Tired of the lack of opportunities in France and the contempt of Academic institutions for young scientists, Emmanuelle finally left the academic world.
Since then, Emmanuelle has become an expert in digital marketing and an expert in storytelling "the art of telling stories that touch the emotional brain, stories that set people in motion".
She has worked as a marketing director for some of the biggest names in digital marketing, and still works as a consultant for multi-million-dollar companies.
Passionate about writing since her childhood, Emmanuelle is the author of several best-selling novels. Today, she is the head of the largest writing and book marketing school (novels and professional books) in the French-speaking world.
Her school has accompanied more than 1700 authors in 3 years.
Emmanuelle's mission is to help you understand the infinite value that resides within you, to help you materialise it and to help you make it shine.
In this new episode of e², discover the inspiring journey of Emmanuelle Soulard, a superhero dedicated to transforming human beings into a better version of themselves. In this episode, Emmanuelle will also reveal her unique methodology to help you write your book.
Your transformational process starts with writing a book, your Manifesto for Humanity.
Note: Even if this ITW is in French, Emmanuelle also coaches English speakers in her writing school.
Where to find and contact Emmanuelle:
Emmanuelle's author page on Amazon

Are you PhD student, freshly graduated PhD or post-doc? Do you dream of leaving the academic world?
I have something unique for you.
But first, let me tell you my story.
Fifteen years ago, after the defence of my PhD in molecular biology, I wanted to leave the academic world, its deplorable working conditions and low salaries.
I didn't know anyone who could help me find a job in line with my 8 years of scientific studies and research. I had the idea to publish the introduction of my thesis manuscript in a book, and more precisely, a university textbook for students from master to doctorate.
Again, I was alone without a "network to activate" in publishing houses for such a project.
While surfing the net, I discovered a 100% digital publishing house specialised in the publication of theses (nowadays called predatory publishers!).
Once again alone, I worked on my thesis introduction to make it a textbook readable by life science students. The aim was not to write a pop science book, nor even a scientific essay, but simply to better organise my text and to explain more thoroughly the scientific concepts and facts that I had quoted in my thesis introduction referred to bibliographical references.
Once the task was done, self-satisfied with my work, I submitted the text to the publishing house which automatically accepted it and referenced it on Amazon.
This simple action, which I took 15 years ago, opened up opportunities that I would never have had without it. The simple fact of having a book referenced on Amazon allowed me to be spotted by journalists from a major media who proposed I chronicle scientific discoveries, land due diligence missions for investors, and be commissioned by a major group to do monitoring and forecasting biotechnologies. The simple fact of having a link in my email signature to the Amazon page of my book enabled me to gain the interest and attention of the decision-makers I contacted.
This book has undoubtedly reinforced my personal brand as an expert (something my PhD was never able to do).
But if I had to do it again, I wouldn't.
Or more precisely, I wouldn't do it again in the same way. I realise today that I have sold this text to a predatory publishing house (a publishing factory that adds no value to the authors).
If only I had met Emmanuelle Soulard at that time, the fate of my book would have been quite different, and my fate too.
A Hard Truth to Hear - Your Life is at stake!
Are you a PhD student or a post-doc?
Get ready!
If during your PhD study or 1st post-doc, you have not contributed to a remarkable discovery that will carry your career in the academic world for the next 30 years, YOU ARE TOASTED!
Contributing to a remarkable discovery (i.e. having your name among the authors of one or several high-impact publications) does NOT depend on YOU, your three-digit IQ, nor your ability to work like a serf!
Scientific research is a priesthood, an activity of monks or nuns living in a community where you have to accept to erase your identity and your ambitions for the benefit of the higher cause - the production of new knowledge for Humanity -, well, that's bullshit that is told to the ants put in servitude by the system.
The reality is that you have to sacrifice yourself to build a pyramid to the glory of a Pharaoh who spreads his name all over the place while playing at scientific humility.
The university system is broken. PhDs are no longer useful in the academic world.
- 60% of PhDs are unemployed at some point in their career (Nature).
- PhDs who do postdocs earn less money and achieve less overall in their careers than PhDs who do not do postdocs (Nature Biotechnology).
- Full-time research fellowships and associate professorships are at a low ebb, as they are replaced by poorly paid adjunct professors and researchers (Science).
And outside the academic world, sorry to tell you the truth, you have no value with your PhD alone.
Industrial companies no longer do in-house R&D. They outsource their R&D to private labs (which only recruit technicians, not PhDs).
You have to make Society aware of your value, the value you can bring to Society so that Society has the desire to give you money to benefit from your value.
To increase their value on the job market, many PhDs enrol in an MBA or equivalent business training to acquire a double skill (or rather knowledge).
It is a complete waste of time and money!
If you don't have an MBA from a top-ranked international business school (HEC, INSEAD, Harvard Business School, Stanford Business School ...) - count 50k to 100k€ to pay for such MBA -, your PhD and your 3rd league MBA will be still worthless on the job market.
And what if there was a tool that would allow you, like a magic wand, to make your value shine in the eyes of the World, in the eyes of Society?
What if I told you that this magic tool really exists?
Of course, you already know what it is because I told you about it at the beginning of this article. This tool that will open the doors of Society for you is your expert book.
Don't make the same mistake I did by opting for a "Do It Yourself Quickly & Alone" method and selling out your intelligence. A university textbook adapting your thesis introduction is level 1 on a scale of 0-100 of what you can offer the World. You have the potential to do much better than I did.
Some examples of 100-level books:
- A book on scientific foresight: "what will be the future applications of current research and how will it improve our lives?
- A book explaining the current applications of your field of research (very popular in industry).
- A science fiction book (pure fiction or a mixture of factual science and fiction).
- A pop science book for the general public
- A "scientific essay" book (a popularisation and point of view book for a passionate public)
- A Manifesto book to propel your future tech startup. A Manifesto book is your declaration of intent and love to the World. This Manifesto declares to the World what you want to do and why you want to do it. It is also a call to goodwill (cofounders, investors, industrial partners ...) to join your guild of adventurers to change the World.
- And many other possibilities…
Engaging in the adventure of writing your expert book will stimulate you intellectually far beyond writing scientific articles or a thesis that nobody will read. Writing your expert book is a pleasure.
Writing your book will feed the creative fire inside you. You will have an iron motivation to build a better future for yourself and humans.
Having an expert book with your name on it will bring you many opportunities that you would never have had without it.
Some examples!
- Better opportunities in the academic world (more and more universities value public speaking by their scientists because it increases the brand value of the institution).
- Job opportunities in industrial companies that are looking for Stars to associate with their brand.
- Opportunities to cofound a tech startup.
- Attracting investors and early supporters for your tech startup.
- Invitations in the mainstream media (TV, radio, print) and digital media that will give your to personal brand even more exposure.
- Consulting missions (very well-paid) with companies, NGOs and public authorities
- And some surprises!
So don't waste time and contact Emmanuelle to catalyse your destiny!
Where to find and contact Emmanuelle:
Emmanuelle's author page on Amazon
E² - Epistémê Entrepreneur