ITW Dr. Alex Bogdanov - Founder CEO at Zestylawyer
The Superman who enables you to complain massively and legally to your local Government!
Today my guest is Dr Alex Bogdanov, computer scientist by training, PhD in Finance from the Moscow State University for Economics. Dr. Bogdanov worked as Business developer director for the group MARS. Dr. Bogdanov is also a serial entrepreneur and lecturer in business schools where he teaches TRIZ a powerful problem solving method, he also teaches "IT for Business" and "Management Skills".
Since november 2012, Dr. Bogdanov is the founder-CEO of Zestylawyer a legal tech company with the mission to help you to compose and submit claims and complaints to relevant authorities as well as to file cases with courts, without lawyers. Zestylawyer is taking care of most annoying and critical issues of the society that concern many people and offers online solutions to help defend the rights, the interests and to create the objective crowd power that get those issues resolved.
Proof of Concept:
During the Covid crisis, residents of Estonia fought against the passing the amendments to the law 347 that provides Estonian Health ministry with unprecedented powers under the pretext of the need to fight against the diseases. With the help of police it will have powers to penetrate dwellings, vehicles, search people etc.
To help Estonian residents, Zestylawyer offered the online service www.viralhelp.me. Since its first launch, in under 1 month, the Estonian Parlament has received nearly 1,000,000 spam-free, verified and electronically signed complaints by the concerned people, which corresponds roughly to 15 tons of correspondence that would fill around 1500 postman bags!
Victory! The planned amendment has been cancelled- so the goal was achieved.
Zestylawyer Solutions:
www.viralhelp.online - helping residents of Western Europe overcome legal issues during COVID crisis
www.viralhelp.me - helping people in Estonia reunite around most annoying legal society issues
www.kuda-komu.net first online democracy tool in the world
Zestylawyer : https://zestylawyer.com/
Dr. Alex Bogdanov : https://www.linkedin.com/in/zestylawyer/
E² - Épistémê Entrepreneur
Dr. Ari Massoudi: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arimassoudi/