From Scientist-Prince of Egypt to Prophet-Shepherd of Humanity toward the Promised Land
From Scientist-Prince of Egypt to Prophet-Shepherd of Humanity toward the Promised Land
Like Moses, Embrace Your Destiny!
From Scientist-Prince of Egypt to Prophet-Shepherd of Humanity toward the Promised Land.
In their communication (personal branding), scientist-entrepreneurs have a handicap due to their long and demanding training in science and professional experience as researchers.
This psychological handicap is scepticism, which is reflected in their communication with conditional verbs and a cautious attitude.
99.999% of human beings do not know what the purpose of their existence on Earth is and where they must go to reach this purpose (of which they know nothing), therefore they desperately seek a Guide to reveal this purpose, to show them the way and to take the lead in getting them there.
We recognise the Guide because he/she talks with certainty.
Scientist-entrepreneurs need to adopt the mindset of the confident Man or Woman, the One who knows where he/she is going and why he/she wants to go there so that others will decide to follow him, even if the adventure is long and full of pitfalls.
Like Moses, Embrace Your Destiny!

E² - Epistémê Entrepreneur